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Call Us Today: (510) 352-4221
Doral’s Auto Repair is a family owned and operated auto repair shop that offers comprehensive automotive services and repairs in San Leandro. Yet one of the most important services we offer is a simple, lowly oil change.
We all know cars need regular oil change, yet often life gets in the way. At Doral’s we urge you to make oil changes a high priority. First and foremost, regular oil changes extend engine life. In addition, they allow your vehicle to perform at its best, as the fresh engine oil lowers friction and carries away debris that naturally get generated when multiple moving parts work closely together. An added bonus – when you bring your vehicle for an oil change, it gives us an opportunity to inspect your vehicle for any signs of impending problems.
Our nationally ASE certified technicians recommend using synthetic engine oil, since it “stays slippery longer” – it can also better handle high heat generated by modern engines. It also is more forgiving if you happen to delay an oil change. Yet another bonus – with synthetic engine oil your vehicle only needs an oil change every 5,000 miles, instead of the 3,000 mile oil changes if you use conventional or blend.
When your vehicle is at the shop for an oil change, we also have an opportunity to perform a free digital vehicle inspection – if our technicians find anything of concern, we will let you know, along with an electronic copy of all inspection results.
Naturally, being the premier auto repair shop in San Leandro, we combine superior customer service with technical excellence, and all repairs performed by our technicians are backed by a 36 month /36,000 mile warranty. So when your vehicle needs oil change, diagnostics, or major repairs, call us at the shop to make an appointment.
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